Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I always click show photos.

Day Three. 07-02-2013

Today: 07-02-2013
Weight: 115.4
Calorie diet: 500-1200
Calories eaten: 335
Calories left over: 845
Last self harm: 05-24-2013
Hey guys,
I was under my 500 minimum today I feel so proud of myself.
I almost binged on some snacks again.
Thin will taste wonderful, this has to be worth the follow bones and long necks and the bikinis and hot guys.
If they will notice me. 
Since my last boyfriend I have basically found myself to be bi-sexual and nobody knows.
I wish I could tell anyone. 
So I told you guys.
Thanks for listening if you are and if your not oh well have fun with your day I'll be on my way back to reality.
Sorry these are short tomorrows will be longer I promise.


Day two. 06-1-2013

Weight: don't know.
Calorie diet: 500-1200
Calories eaten: 822
Calories worked off: 293
Calorie total:529
Last self harm: 05-24-2013
Feelings, mood, notes, blog.
Sorry this is a little late.. Today I had frozen yogurt and I starved all morning to keep my calores down and went on two runs, moved all of the furnature in my room and cleaed.. Busy day.
I also decided if I have to cut it will be on the 4th.
I have not the slightest idea why I decided this.
I don't even know why I have this blog..
does anyone read this?
If you do and are anorexic, 
Stay strong.